Learning to Ski at Mt. Sunapee
It was time to finally teach L how to ski. For some unknown reason, we hadn’t gotten her out on the slopes yet, so this year we made the commitment to teach her how to ski. L is our cautious child and we were a little nervous about how she would take to skiing, so we wanted to make sure she had a good first experience. After doing quite a bit of research on the beginner areas at the mountains within an hour of us, we decided to take her to Mt. Sunapee in Newbury, NH. L was so excited to try skiing and taking a mini road trip made the adventure even more fun for her.
Last September, we stopped by S&W Sports in Concord as Dad was looking at some new ski equipment. While we were there, they told us about their seasonal ski lease program which would allow us to rent equipment for the kiddos for the entire season! That meant no waiting in rental lines at the mountains and proper fittings by the S&W staff — perfect. So, our kiddos went down to the shop, got fitted, and came home with their equipment for the season (and boy are little kid skis cute!!)!
Ok, back to the Sunapee adventure. We ended up going on a weekday, to avoid crowds, and it was perfect! We had the slopes to ourselves for the first few runs!!

One of the reasons we chose Sunapee is because it has 3 carpets in the super large beginners area; the three hills and carpets increase in size, so you can add difficulty as your little skier gains skills.

We loved how long the carpets were and how much space there was to ski; this is just the 3rd hill!

Little man even got a few runs in on the middle hill.

Once Little Man had had enough skiing, we left L and Dad to ski while we explored the different lodges; we may have stopped for a “mom” drink and a snack at Goosefeathers Pub. 🙂

Every time we would go back to check on L and Dad, they were going back up a carpet…

L had a wonderful time at Sunapee and fell in love with skiing! We were so proud of how well she did and happy that she enjoyed it so much. I see many skiing adventures in our future…
Some tips for your adventure to Mt. Sunapee:
1) On weekdays, it’s only $15 to ski in the beginner area (carpets only), BUT you have to buy your ticket at the Learning Center, not the Lodge. The Lodge only sells the tickets that include the lift.
2) The lodges are spaced far apart and the beginner section is a little bit of a walk from the main lodge; however, there is a shuttle that will bring you between the lodges and beginner area. We were okay with the walk, as we didn’t go back and forth too much, but if your family likes to go in and out of the lodge, it might get a little annoying.
Overall, we really enjoyed Mt. Sunapee and will certainly go back! Maybe we will even brave the beginner lift next time…
I hope that you family has as much fun on this adventure as mine did!