Yoga for Kids with Cosmic Kids Yoga!
It’s April 15 and we woke up to snow and ice. Okay Mother Nature, it’s time for spring now!! Please!! We are all sick of the cold and yucky weather here at our house, so we needed an indoor adventure; little brother was sleeping so that mandated an at home adventure. L had seen our yoga mats earlier in day and asked if we could do some afternoon yoga (she has done quite a bit of yoga at school and really enjoys it), so we decided to go that route. A while ago, I had read about yoga for kids videos on YouTube, so rather than just doing a regular yoga video, we decided to try Cosmic Kids Yoga. What an awesome concept! The yoga teacher tells a story and incorporates yoga moves into the adventure – the kiddos don’t even know they are exercising! There are tons of stories from which to choose and the best part is that they are free on YouTube on the Cosmic Kids Yoga page! Plus, they call each video an “adventure” – can’t get any better than that!!
We ended up doing two videos, as we had so much fun with the first Star Wars video. Moana was our second session and that was just as fun!
There are some basic poses that the kiddos can easily do which gives them confidence for some harder poses.
Here we were pretending to be Heihei the chicken… L was able to balance on her toes for a few seconds!
Getting that confidence…
Got a little ab workout in…:)
L has already picked out the next video she is doing…Frozen! I’m actually looking forward it, as well. While the videos aren’t super strenuous, they get the kiddos moving and start to introduce some basic yoga poses. Plus, the instructor has a British accent, so it’s fun to listen to her speak! Hopefully spring comes soon so we can play outside, but this is going to be a go-to for us on those rainy, snowy, icy, or just plain too hot days!
I hope that your family enjoys this adventure as much as my family did!

What a great way for mother daughter bonding. A great habit for the little girl to master. 👍👍👍
Yoga is amazing in so many ways! It is definitely fun to practice with her. 🙂
Alexis Farmer
This is such a fun way to do yoga! If I ever have kids, we’re totally doing this.
yes!! It’s kinda fun as an adult, too! 🙂