Hiking Gear We Love!
I’ve recently been asked about some of the items we have found helpful on our hikes… so here are a few of our favorites! This is all hiking gear that we use and love!
**updated 3/4/2020**
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*A hiking child carrier
I am big into wearing my kiddos – I’ve used wraps and soft sided carriers and still frequently use our Toddler Tula for little man. However, when we decided we wanted to start hiking, I asked some of my experienced hiking mama friends about the big carriers I see in all of their pictures. I received two recommendations – an Osprey and a Deuter. They both said that while the big carriers are heavier than a soft-sided carrier, they are way more comfortable for hiking. Not only do they have a barrier between the kiddo and you that helps keep both of you cool, the kiddo is higher up and can see better. Plus, the support structures on the big carriers distribute all of the weight a bit more evenly and comfortably than a soft-sided carrier. They did suggest that we try on both carriers with little man and see which one fit us better, so off I went in search of somewhere where I could get both to try and also return for free. Most of the stores around us had one or the other, not both. However, I was able to order both from LL Bean (during one of their 25% off sales!!) and return one for free to the nearby outlet. These are the two carries:
(Note: We have the Osprey Poco AG Plus, however, they’ve updated the carrier, so the closest version is this:
We walked around the house with little man in them to try and figure out which worked best for us; they both were comfortable and I think we honestly would have been happy with either. I did like that the support belt is a little more structured on the Osprey, so that edged it out for me. It also has a big size range that is super easy to adjust, so both my husband and I can comfortably wear little man during an adventure. And let me tell you — this pack rocks!! It is way cooler (temperature wise!) than the Tula and you can pack some gear in it, as well! Little man loves it and tries to climb in as soon as we pull it out!!
*Hiking Day Pack
We always carry a backpack filled with necessary supplies, like snacks, water, a first aid kit, extra layers, etc. We try and minimize the weight that we add to Little Man’s carrier, as well as the weight in L’s back pack. Last season, we discovered this day pack; it’s super light, sturdy, and holds everything we need!
*Hiking Boots for L and Little Man
While we generally see adults in hiking boots on our adventures, we often see kiddos in just sturdy sneakers. We thought about that for L since she grows out of shoes so quickly, but ended up getting her some hiking boots. The boots have really helped her on our adventures, especially those where we’ve had to cross a little river, walk through some mud, or been on slippery terrain. The waterproof feature and extra ankle support has definitely minimized any complaining about feet. We got L boots from LL Bean last season and they are still in good enough condition that Little Man will be able to wear them in a few years! L never complained about her feet hurting and we never saw any blisters or wet socks! She has a new pair waiting to be broken in for this season…
LL Bean Kids’ Waterproof Trail Model Hikers
They come in multiple colors and range from kids size 10 – 6. They often have at least one color on sale and we’ve found L’s at the outlet the past few years!
This past year we actually found toddler hiking boots for Little Man! These were wonderful as he is still learning to navigate rocky terrain (plus, they are so stinking cute!) They held up really well and we ended up using them as regular shoes in late fall/early winter for the mucky season since they are waterproof!
Toddler Waterproof Trail Model Hikers
Smartwool socks
I know. Who the heck pays $20 for socks? I totally get it. And then I tried them. And my husband tried them. And my daughter tried them. And I found “irregular” ones at the LL Bean outlet for $10… 🙂 They are amazing. They keep your feet dry and have a nice little cushion built in. Plus, they come in crew height, so they fit perfectly with hiking boots. They’ve helped prevent blisters and are still in great condition after a hike – none of the sliding down action that often happens with other socks.
I have been buying us adults the PhD Outdoor type because they seem like a happy medium in the weight and use departments, but there are about a million different types of Smartwool socks, so I’m sure you can find a pair that works for you and your family!
*Water Bottles
My kiddos are always thirsty, so we have a bunch of different water bottles. Our two favorites are the LL Bean insulated Bean Canteen and the 16 oz Nalgene. The Bean Canteen is insulated and keeps the water cool, but it is still relatively light for its size and the fact that it’s insulated; we use this all of the time when we hike and when we are just going out and about. For hiking, we really also like Nalgenes; they are super light and don’t retain smells (which is helpful when they get left in the backpack for a few extra days…). The small ones are light enough when filled for the littles to carry on their own, and are manageable for little hands! Both water bottles come in multiple colors which is helpful when everyone needs their own color!
These are just a few of our favorite things…keep your eye out for more posts on hiking gear we love!