Unique Pumpkin Carving Ideas to Inspire You
Every year around this time I google “pumpkin carving ideas” for jack-o-lantern inspiration. Over the years we have come up with some creative pumpkins, so I thought I would share them here – just in case you are searching for “pumpkin carving ideas.” 🙂 We are not super skilled carvers here, so all of our ideas are definitely doable for inexperienced and experienced carvers, and everyone in between!
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We have carved more “traditional” jack-o-lanterns with just faces (including one three-eyed monster!).

They range from happy faces, to scary faces, to silly faces. The kids also insisted that we add a cat face one year for our dog’s pumpkin.

Recently, L has wanted to carve her favorite things, rather than a face. So two years ago we had a giant squid (fondly nicknamed the pirate squid),

and last year she created the solar system (shocking!). She carved both of these pumpkins by herself – with VERY minimal help from me.

Little Man saw what his big sister was carving and also wanted one of his favorite things. So, I present, the excavator.

I didn’t want to be left out, so I continued the trend with mountains.

Two years ago, I made the BEST discovery. Did you know you can use a drill to carve a pumpkin?? It’s amazing. And fast. And gives you a really fun pumpkin!

If you’re a sports fan, you can always carve your team’s logo!

Another great option for carving pumpkins is using a Pumpkin Masters Carving Kit. We have used these many times and created some great pumpkins! This witch was one of my favorites,

as was this spider.

So what are the best pumpkin carving tools? While we do have the little saws and scrapers that come in pumpkin carving sets, I really prefer things that I have around the house. To clean pumpkins, I really think that soup spoons are just the best. Maybe it is because that is what we always used growing up, but I just think it does the best job scraping pumpkin guts.
For carving, I always use a small hand saw like this. It’s easy to maneuver and is super sharp so it easily cuts through the pumpkin. L uses the little saws from pumpkin carving kits.
If you’re thinking about using a drill for your pumpkin, make sure to use a large bit; the holes created by small bits don’t let enough light out. You can also use hole saw bits like these. Be aware, that pumpkin does get on/in the drill, so make sure to clean it out well when you are done!
For lighting the pumpkins, I always just use the big scented candles I have around my house. Not only do I not have to worry about them burning out, but my front porch smells good!
For another fun Halloween idea, make sure to check out my post on How to Make a Planet Costume.
What creative pumpkin carving ideas do you have? Let me know in the comments!
I hope that this post gives you some pumpkin carving ideas and inspires you to get creative with your pumpkins!

Laurie Hanscom Harmon
These are all amazing. I don’t know if my favorite is the spider or the one with all the circles.
Thank you!! The circle one was fun to make since it was all drill!
What great ideas! Looks so fun!
Thank you!
Alexis Farmer
I love these so much!! 😍 Pumpkin carving is one of my favorite Halloween traditions.
Thank you!! It is one of ours, as well!
Amy Irvin
Very creative! God bless you.
Thank you, Amy!
We figured out the drill carving the last year my kiddos where wanting to carve pumpkins. I guess better late than never. lol So many fun things to do for Halloween. One of my favorite holidays.
Yes! I will be going to the drill every year now! 🙂 It is such a fun holiday!
These are some great looking designs and so unique!
Thank you!
Those are so much fun. Our family loves to carve pumpkins. Last year we had a decent amount of snow on Halloween so my daughter made snow Halloween figurines instead of pumpkin carving.
Oooo that sounds fun!! Hopefully the snow will hold off this year!
Wow! Those are impressive!! I love the festivity in them- will need to try one when I get my pumpkins!
Thank you! Have fun carving!
Great pumpkin carving ideas! I love the mountain scene, the squid, and the excavator!
Thank you, Kendra! It’s always fun to see what the kiddos want to carve!
Sandra Barrett
I love the Red Sox “B” – maybe not so much this year 🙁
These are great, never thought of using the drill.
Ugh…right? Maybe it will be better next year… hopefully!
Thank you!
These look awesome! Love the solar system.
Thank you!! I will let my daughter know you like that one!!
I love the mountain based one. It’s perfect! Going to try a few of these next month. Thank you for your creativity.
Thank you!! Have fun carving your pumpkins!
These are great! I love all of the creativity. I think the polkadot one was my fav.
Thank you! That one was really fun to make!
Fun and unique pumpkin carvings.
thank you!
Cynthia Mailhot
I totally loved the mountains one…going to have to try that one.
Thanks! It’s super easy — hope you have fun carving!